Baheya research center

Baheya Research Center (BRC) was established in 2017, it has a mission to participate in the global fight against breast cancer by identifying breast cancer causes and developing innovative research strategies for prevention, diagnosis, and treatment, while its vision is to be a center of Excellence in breast cancer research at the regional and international level, by contributing to solving breast cancer problems globally.

Baheya Research Center (BRC) conducted more than 120 studies so far, including research studies, doctoral and master theses, and graduation projects. About 35 scientific research studies have been published in prestigious scientific journals. All research studies should be submitted first to the Scientific and Ethics Committees and can't be started until obtaining approvals from them.

Besides, the research center has established cooperative relationships with national institutes and universities to exchange experiences in the field of breast cancer through research projects, workshops, scientific days, and conferences. The Center also received grants to conduct research studies from reputable funding agencies.

The center is interested in enhancing young researchers' skills, especially students and post-graduates, by holding workshops on the principles of scientific research and biostatistics.

Also, the center aims to develop a strong research infrastructure by establishing Baheya Biobank as a professional repository of biological samples.

The research center covers many fields, including:

·    Familial breast cancer syndromes detection.

·    Early Detection and diagnosis.

·    Epidemiology.

·    Pathogenesis.

·   Treatment.

·   Prognosis.

·  Survivorship research.

·  Psychological issues in Breast Cancer.